I have a weakness for japanese boy groups and therefor I know quite a few. Today I want to tell you about the ones I like and know and maybe there will be a new band you will start to like through this. First of there is some catagories that some groups can be put under. I will start with these and later get to the ones I don't really know under which category to put. Besides you will find no Duo's in this list because for me they don't count as groups and this list is going to be pretty long anyway. Besides I will also NOT include groups that are officially disbanded.
Since this list turned out to be super long, 65 groups in total, I decided to put a cut to this post, please click on "Read more" to see the list!!
PLEASE NOTE: I am so sorry for all the spelling mistakes I did but I worked on this post for a few days sometimes late at night and therefor did quite a bunch of mistakes. I will correct those somedays but not now. Please bear with it for the time being.
Since this list turned out to be super long, 65 groups in total, I decided to put a cut to this post, please click on "Read more" to see the list!!
PLEASE NOTE: I am so sorry for all the spelling mistakes I did but I worked on this post for a few days sometimes late at night and therefor did quite a bunch of mistakes. I will correct those somedays but not now. Please bear with it for the time being.
Let's start off with the most well know category. Johnnys groups are all the groups that are under contract with Johnny's Association. These bands are very popular in Japan but also have a huge fanbase outside of Japan. There is a whole bunch of groups under Johnnys and I like a few of them quite a lot.
Hey! Say! JUMP -> My favorite being Hey! Say! JUMP, out of MANY reasons (that would be too long to write down here). Check them out yourself if you want to know.
Johnny's WEST -> After JUMP my 2nd favorite Johnnys artists. First of all I love the members, their bond is amazing and I enjoy their stage plays to the fullest, even more then their actuel concerts. I love their humor and the music and much more. But over all I love the bond between the members, you should check out their history, it's awesome what they already went through together.

Hey! Say! JUMP -> My favorite being Hey! Say! JUMP, out of MANY reasons (that would be too long to write down here). Check them out yourself if you want to know.

Johnny's WEST -> After JUMP my 2nd favorite Johnnys artists. First of all I love the members, their bond is amazing and I enjoy their stage plays to the fullest, even more then their actuel concerts. I love their humor and the music and much more. But over all I love the bond between the members, you should check out their history, it's awesome what they already went through together.

KAT-TUN -> Sadly they are on hiatus right now and unfortunetly they lost a lot of members over the years, starting with 6 members, now are only 3 members left, however I will still support them. They have a more rockish image and sound to them which always made them stand out a little more.

NEWS -> They were actuelly the 1st Johnnys band I got to like, back then I didn't even know what Johnny's is. They also lost members over the year, 5 in total but even as 4 members they are doing very well. Also there is a sub-unit of NEWS called Tegomass that I really like a lot.

Kis-My-Ft2 -> I was a huge fan of them when they debuted they even have been my absolute favorite group for a little more then a year but then other bands came and I lost my interesst in them a little. However they are still producing good music and after a little break I finally started to listen to them regualr again.

Sexy Zone -> I actuelly have a love/hate releation ship to them because on the one hand I really love their music and the members, on the other hand I dislike the way that they focus on speciafic members way more then others. There was even a point in which they only released cds as three members, thought they actuelly have 5. BUT since a while now they are back to 5 members and they started to be a little more fair with the other two members as well. That makes me so happy.

Tokio -> I like some of their songs a lot and I think they deserve way more attention.
Kanjani8 -> I am not that huge of a fan of them but I like some of their music a lot and I like that they tend to be more funny instead of super serious. I love funny music videos and they have more then a bunch of those. Despite that I think the members have a great bond.
Arashi -> Again I am not much of a fan of them, thought they are definitly the most well known Johnnys group of them all. The members also act in dramas and movies, they regular appear on tv and in advertising. But of course they are most well known for their music which they do for quite a while now. There are a few songs I myself never want to miss again.
V6 -> I used to like V6 a lot but since some years know I don't really listen to them anymore, thought from time to time I listen to their new stuff or some older songs I used to really love, therefore I felt like mentioning them.

Kanjani8 -> I am not that huge of a fan of them but I like some of their music a lot and I like that they tend to be more funny instead of super serious. I love funny music videos and they have more then a bunch of those. Despite that I think the members have a great bond.

Arashi -> Again I am not much of a fan of them, thought they are definitly the most well known Johnnys group of them all. The members also act in dramas and movies, they regular appear on tv and in advertising. But of course they are most well known for their music which they do for quite a while now. There are a few songs I myself never want to miss again.

V6 -> I used to like V6 a lot but since some years know I don't really listen to them anymore, thought from time to time I listen to their new stuff or some older songs I used to really love, therefore I felt like mentioning them.
EBiDAN is a project started by Stardust Entertainment and it's said to be some kind of dance and acting school. I think it's a little similar to Johnnys thought by far not as big but EBiDAN has an own magazine, their own live events and tv shows, which I think is really impressive, especially knowing that they just exist since mid 2010. I like pretty much all the groups under EBiDAN so here is my list.

DISH// -> My favorite group under EBiDAN. I love their rock pop sound and love ALL their songs. Yes so far there is not a single song of them I dislike. The members are amazing and their videos are often super funny.

Chotokkyu -> I think they are the most well known EBiDAN group outside of Japan. I am happy they have an international fanbase as well. As for myself I love their music and live performances and the members are just lovable. You should check out some of their translated blog entries, so hilirious and cute. I absolutly recommend to look up Bullet Train FC to get translations and of course information about the group!

PrizmaX -> After DISH// they are my second favorite EBiDAN group. I love their music so much and I like the members too.

M!LK -> Their music is very cute and funny so I guess it's not everybodys taste. However I like it. I also like the members a lot, I knew them before their debut, since they have been trainees before and I am happy they debuted and I am able to watch them grow up.

Super Dragon-> These guys are really cool, some of my favorite trainess are in this group. I am so happy for them to have been debuted and I can't wait for the cd debut in november. Their music is more EDM style and therefor feels different to the other EBiDAN groups. Also they have Tsuyoshi who has an incredible voice that I would know under thousands.
EBiSSH -> They are a group of EBiDAN the Street means they often perform on the street to get more fans and practise. However they are a little expaction because they got teaser videos and a little more promotion then the other EBiDAN the Street groups. I like their music, it still has to improve a lot but they are so young and really new to the scene that I can forgive them easily. However I hope they improve, if they don't I guess I will loose my interesst very fast.
Satori Shonen Dan (Satori Boys Club) -> This is my favorite EBiDAN The Street group. I like both their singin and dancing a lot and since they are still quite young there is a lot of improvment possible and I am very sure they will improve with the time going on. Eiku (the one in the middle) is the vocalist of the group and he does his job well, especially knowing that he does both singing and dancing at the same time. I am sure these guys can be very popular if they keep on working hard. At least I want to tell you my favorite song of them, it's called "I wanna say..." definitly check it out! You can find a bunch of their lives on youtube.
I guess many people know EXILE, this group exists for so long now and is still being really popular in Japan. However at one point Hero (the leader) decided it's time for new groups and all those are under "EXILE TRIBE", moste even have that in their name you will see. But let's start of with the lead group.
EXILE -> First known as J Soul Brothers they later changed their name to EXILE which by now is extremly well known in Japan and even outside of Japan they have fanbase. However I personally I am ot too much of a fan of them. There is some awesome songs of them I really love e.g. Dance Into Fantasy but there is also a lot of songs by them that I easily get tired of. BUT what I really like them for is their mainly image. This way they show that japanese boys groups don't always need to be cute to be popular. Also they are super amazing when it comes to dancing and again, it's different to what usually jpop boy groups dance like, it's way more powerful and feels more professional, thought there already has been a change with that in the last few years. There is a lot of new groups that started to do more professional choreographies like that.
Sandaime J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE -> Sandaime means third generation because after exile changed their name there has been another J Soul Brothers (Nidaime) formed and not long after their debut this J Soul Brothers group debuted and they are pretty popular. I like a lot of their songs and their dancing is enjoyable to watch as well.
GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE -> Oh yes I love these boys. I got know about them shortly before their debut and since then I am a huge fan. They are a younger generation of EXILE TRIBE so a little different to EXILE but you can totaly see they belong to them. I love their music, it's really good and I like with all EXILE TRIBE groups their dancing is also superb.
EXILE THE SECOND -> And another group of EXILE TRIBE and to be honest the one I like the least, well at least I like their songs the least. I am a fan of Shokichi and Keiji and Akira (who just recently joined) but sadly there is only one song of them I really like. The song is called "Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!!" and it's damn good but all their other releases doesn't do it for me. However I actuelly know that a lot of people like their music so the chance is good that you might like it too.
BACS is an entertainment company that owns B-Box. B-Box is an ikemen cafe, more or less you could say it's like a host club, you pay money to go inside and there are lot's of cute japanese guys but instead of giving you drinks they actuelly perform songs on a small stage in the cafe. I saw you can also talk to them, take photos and so on but I don't know how exactly it works since I have never been there. However some of these bands are quite popular and two already released cds. You can take a look at more of the bands if you go here http://bacs-bbox.com/.
B2takes! -> I really like this group, they are extremly cute together and their music is a lot of fun to listen to. For their vocal skills they still have to improve but I already have the feeling that from their first release to the latest one they already improved. I also like their performances, but well they have a lot of training for that, right! Besides they just recently got their own webiste, take a look if you are interessted. http://b2takes.com/
RUSHx300 -> They are the only other BACS group that released a cd so far. They are by far not as popular as B2takes but if they would be a little more active and maybe release another cd I guess they could be. I like their 1st single. The song sounds really good. You can watch the MV here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_HWPFgf0O4
So let's come to all the other bands. This list will be REALLY long but I just don't know under which catagories to put all these bands, since they don't really belong to any special group or project or similar. If these bands have a website I know, I will always link it so you can get more information about them if you are interessted and if you want me to write about a certain group, write it in the comment, I will definitly do it. Oh and this list is in no order!
FlowBack -> One of my favorite new bands. They released their first cd in january of this year and had their major debut this year as well. Their music is very nice to the ears and tends to stay in my head, I love it. So far I can honestly say I love all their released songs! Their dancing is really good too.
UNIONE-> I got to know them before their debut. They started with singing cover songs. Sometimes they even put videos of ther covers on their youtube chanel. Most of the songs are really nice and their voices are very beautiful. The debut single is awesome too. So addicting. It stuck in my head for weeks after I first listend to it.
Break Through -> If you are a Johnny's fan for some years already you might recognize one of the members, Yuto (the blond one in the middle). He has been a part of the Johnnys Jr. group "7WEST" but decided to leave Johnnys Assiosation in 2012. Some years later he is back with a new group and that is called "Break Through". I really love theses guys. I watched all their videos they did in their beginning time. I like to watch how groups train, have to take missions and with that grow. They are absolutly not perfect when it comes to their music and some of their songs are only good when being played live, because they need the audience to join in but there are also some really beautiful and good songs e.g. "Sayonara".
Da-iCE -> Since they have a quite big fanbase outside of Japan, I am sure most of you already know them. I personally had the luck to get to know them before they actuelly debuted. I watched their Splash video when it came out and directly fell in love with this group. I was extremly excited when they announced their 1st release, a mini album called Da-iCE and had to buy it. Since then I buy every cd of them and I never got dissapointed in them. Their music is always really good and I LOVE their dancing. Normaly I am not much of a fan of dance practice videos but Da-iCE was the first group I enjoyed watching those videos. If you don't know them I absolutly recommend checking them out.
Lead -> Releasing music since 2002 makes Lead one of the few non-johnnys japanese boy groups that are existing for a long time already. They can be extremly proud of themself for making music for such a long time already. I started listening to them around 2008, when one of my favorite blogger wrote about their single "Sunnyday". I knew them before but only started to really get interessted in them around this time. Back then they still have been 4 members but in 2013 Hiroki left the group and they went on releasing as a three member group and you know what as much as I loved their music before I like their three member music even more.
w-inds. -> W-inds. started to release cds in 2001 so they are active since more then 15 years now. That's really impressiv for a non-johnnys boy band. I love this group a lot too. They changed so much within the years, tried new music styles from time to time, did their own projects and even though they changed so much and tried so much, they never dissapointed me and their thousends of fans. Give them a try if you never listend to them. You can find all their music videos on their youtube chanel.
Boys and Men -> Also called Boymen they are a group of 10 men that do not only sing but also act a lot. They stare in a bunch of self-produced movies, some of them play in musicals, they often appear on tv and even have their own tv shows and they release a lot of typical idol related goods like e.g. photobooks and pictures. They are definitly a band you can spend all your money on but their music is also pretty good. I for myself do enjoy some of their songs a lot e.g. "Dontokoiya!". Also I really like their tv shows, they are fun to watch and pretty much all of the members are really likeable. Besides they already exist since 2010 and just recently joined Universal Music Japan.
WAVE -> WAVE has been formed in 2014. They are one of the few that I started to love because of their regular TwitCasts. Yasu and Masa are often on TwitCas. I personally like the ones of Yasu the most because he sings a lot and is cute with the people who watch him, thought Masa is that too but I like Yasu's voice a little more. Last year they released a 1st mini album sadly it wasn't very popular that's why so far they didn't release anything new. I hope they will get another chance of releasing something new.
5ignal -> I directly bought their 1st album after I listened to their extremyl beautiful "Be With You" and I absolutly didn't regret buying it because it is such a good album. At first I was a bit skeptical because I saw that pretty much all songs are in english but you know what their pronunciation is actuelly really good and the songs are really good. They sang lots of up beat songs which make me want to dance. I think they get not enough attention and if they would they could be much bigger.
I don't like Mondays -> This is one awesome group because they really wrote, produced and arranged all their songs on their own. That's something really rare these days so it's even more outstanding. Also they have a very artistic feel to them, may it be the music videos or the covers, they also decided together with others of course how they want to have it. Especially vocalist Yu has a creativ side to him that influences all they do and I am glad he has because that makes them more unique. Despite that the voice of Yu is one you might remember. I like listening to them a lot and I am very much looking forward to what their future will bring.
Code-V -> Since I write about them quite often on this blog I guess most of you will know that I really love this group. Their vocal skills are amazing, their dancing is good and their music catchy and beautiful. As I wrote in a post on this blog already I consider them to be Jpop and not Kpop if you want to know why look up the post I wrote.
The Beat Garden -> This is a group I just recently got to know and I started to like them directly because their music is so damn good. They do a mix of, rock-pop-EDM and the outcome sounds really amazing. I absolutly recommend listening to them if you like up-beat music.
Beat Buddy Boi -> Beat Buddy Boi is actually just a dance crew but the rapper Shun joined them and since then they are doing music, thought Shun is the only one singing/rapping. I always liked Shun's music a lot so I definitly had to check them out and I like some of their songs a lot, well Shun is the singer/rapper so it's not much of a supprise. As for the dancers their live performances are nice to watch and you can watch their incredible dancing skills in the music videos. I like them.
MAG!C PRINCE -> These boys already had me with their first song. I love this song so much and love to listen to it but I also love their other songs, they are fun listening to and are kind of addicting. Besides that these guys are just too cute. I LOVE watching their making of's because they are so damn cute and they released a self-produced movie that I NEED to get. But like I said I also love their music!!
ADDICTION -> They released their first cd at the end of 2015 and soon are going to release their first album. However they actually started of with doing kpop dance covers and now they are working on their own singing carreer. I like their music and I am SO excited for their new music video which will be released at the end of november. Despite that I have to say I like the members a lot. They are really loveable and they seem to have a great bond, you can see they are real life friends. They seem very natural and I hope it will stay like this even if they become more popular.
IVVY -> This group is active since mid 2015 and so far they released 4 songs you can download on itunes or recochoku. Also just recently they had a member change, Mizki left the group and Kento.i joined them. I liked Mizki so I am sad he left the group but I still wish them all the best. I like the other members too, they are all really dorky and cute and their songs are nice too.
X4 -> Who ever liked Yuya Matsushita when he was still a solo singer knows this group. After Yuya decided to stop his solo activities he formed this group which is supposed to be a compilation of korean and japanese music. Therefor when they started two members were korean while the other two japanese. However korean member SJ left and two new member joined the group. I love Yuyas solo music but to be honest I don't like the music X4 does. Despite one song that they produced after being just three members. The song is called Obsession and I LOVE it lot. It's even on my list of my all time favorite songs. Sadly so far I didn't like anyother of their songs this much.
WEBER -> I got to know these guys shortly after their first release which was in may 2015. I like their debut song, thought back then I liked their "Beat The Black" better. From the on I deciede to follow then and I like their second single even more, thought again I preferd not the main track but "Shushoku no Kaze". Such a pretty song. Their 3rd single and album were great too and even thought I am not a huge fan of them, I do follow them and enjoy their music. You get a good overview of their music if you watch their album teaser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJymfNOeY18
NEVA GIVE UP -> They have been formed on 2012 and since January 2016 they are an indipended group. They already released a few cds which are all on my must-buy-list. Their music is really good and entertaining. Also they do a lot of lives. They set a goal of 180 lives in 2016 and in the first half of the year they already did 110 lives. That's quite impressive!! I really badly want to see them live and I hope I will get the chance when I am in Japan this december. However I like their music and do recommend it.
AMAZO KNIGHT -> I honestly hope these guys will get a cd release in the near future because they deserv it. I got to know them while looking trough twitter and I directly had an intersst in them. Back then Takuya was still a part of them. They totaly got me when I watched a live of them on youtube. Their performance was really good, their voices and Fuyas rap so good. Also from time to time I watch their twitcasts and I always enjoy those. They always respond to the comments of their fans which is great.
SELLOUT -> I know that these guys will have debut in the near future because they told me in one TwitCast but I can't tell you when exactly. All I know is that I am excited for this debut and I hope they will do well with it. In 2015 they started with 5 members but Tetsuya left the group and to be honest they are doing find with just 4 member. However it's really hard to find live videos of them online, if you want to watch some you have to go to their twitter account, sometimes they upload short clips there.
Sonar Pocket -> These are some damn talented guys. Ko-dai and Eyeron started of as an duo in 2005. Around a year later Matty joined them and in 2008 they had their major debut. From then on their popularity grew constantly. I have never been a hard core fan of them but I appreciate their music and I am glad they do such awesome music. Sadly Ko-dai has been hospitalized in october 2016 because of an illness but as long as he gets treatment eyeron and matty will keep on being active. I wish him to get well soon because Sonar Pocket is not the same without him.
XOX (pronounced: kiss hug kiss) -> All of the members of XOX are japanese models. To be honest when I first got to know them I didn't expect to like them because I thought they are just about looks. However I was wrong I really like their music, it's catchy and fun listening too and even live they are not as bad as I thought they would be. Actuelly they sound quite good live. I am very much looking forward to see them grow and get better and maybe one day being really popular in Japan.
Brand New Vibe -> They are pop-rock band that is releasing cds since 2008, thought sadly not very regular. Just releasing one single both last and this year is way too less in my opinion but at least I know they are active when it comes to live performances. I wish they would get a little more attention because their music is good. Superstar will always be one of my favorite songs.
GrandStand -> Another pop-rock group that I discoverd at the beginning of this year. I like their music but they are not releasing a lot which is sad. Their music however is nothing outstanding, nothing special just normal good pop-rock. I personally like their "Forever Summer" the most but if you are interessted you can find some of their music videos on youtube.
CLOWN'S CROWN -> They are active for some years already but released their first cd just this year. They are often doing street performances to fight for their dream becoming a popular group one day. I always enjoy watching their performances. Keigo has a really nice voice but the others are not bad too thought they all still have to improv their skills. However I am already looking forward to a second release of them. Besides I will link their website here but they are not really using it if you want to know more about them or what they are up to at the moment I recommend going on their twitter site.
LIFriends -> Another group I think gets way to less attention. They meet in High School and since then are doing music together and I think you can really feel this when listening to their music. They are really good there is no song of them I know that I dislike. Most of their songs are very good. My favorite song of them is "Nakama" thought I would also recommend listening to "Age Age Eejanaika", such a fun song. Check their music video out, they are all on youtube.
Ryoga -> I had so much hope in them and was extremly excited for their debut because there are two members in this group that have been in two of my favorite groups which already disbanded. Reo was a member of Vimclip and Takuya a member of Cocoa Otoko. However I was badly disappointed because I don't like their debut single at all. They used way to much auto-tune in my point of view and I don't know something is missing with it. I do follow them but just for the sake of Takuya and Reo, thought I have to admit that they got better already. "Rock This World" and "Forever" are quite good and I quite like the new song "Burning like a flame" so maybe I will start to really like these guys.
ZEN THE HOLLYWOOD -> Another group I started to love as soon as I got to know them. This group is excisting for a while now and they started doing music because of an anime called shonen hollywood. I don't know much about it just that in the anime they are singing and ZenHari was formed to sing the songs. I am not sure if they also did the speaking or just the singing but to be honest I don't care. I love their music and that's all that matters too me. Sometimes I watch off shot video of them I find online and I like the member too but I am really more into the music the into the members when it comes to them.
Tensaibonjin -> What I like about them is that you can see they have a lot of fun performing on stage and the audience always seem to go along. It must be super fun to go to one of their lives. As for their songs I would say there is a good varity. I personaly don't like all their songs but there are some really good ones. In generell I seem to prefer there ballads more.
Junon Superboy Anothers (JB Anothers) -> Ok so these guys not a group but they will be one or at least some of them. This is a project started by Junon a very popular japanese idol magazine. The group of boys has been split into two teams, team youth which are all the under 18 y.o. guys and team seniority which are all the members above 18 y.o.! In the end one team is supposed to win and this team will release a cd. However originally this project should have been ended in spring of this year but it seems like they decided to do it a little longer. I can't wait for the results thought I will for sure be sad no matter which team will win cause I like members of each team and to be honest I wish they would just do a mix with team that wins, like taking all the popular ones in one group. I guess that would be a much better idear. Now you might think why they are on the list when they aren't a group but even though they are no official group they do perform on stage and they they have a few original songs. I like all of their song and they perform them very well. Here is an example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C9iRut4xJw
G=AGE -> I read somewhere that one of the members was a Johnnys Jr. before but I don't know who and that's also not the reason I got to know them. I actuelly got to know them while switching through some videos on youtube and there it has been their music video "Age of Future". At first I thought how low quality this video was but the song was really addicting, so I felt like repeating it a few times and after I stopped I couldn't get the song out of my head. I randomly started to sing the song and everytime I listen to it again it will stuck in my head for at least a few hours. I know they will release a second single but so far it hasn't been announced when the release date is. However I just hope it will be as good as their first one.
FREAK -> Their music style is quite unique I would say. The are said to sing Rn'B like he was in the '90s. Their voices are super beautifull and I personally enjoy their songs a lot. Besides they also started of with street performances before they got a contract with Avex. I absolutly recommend listening to some of their songs if you haven't before. Oh and what also makes this group kinde special is the twins. Yeah two of them are twinns and I know thats a stupid reason for them being special but all the time I think about them and that I should listen to them again I also think about the two pretty brothers. And yeah I know I can be very superficial.
MELOFLOAT -> These guys released their 1st single while I was in Japan 2015 and while standing in a Tower Records Store I decided to give them a try and listen to the single and bam I loved it. I directly decided to buy it, thought not directly in Japan because I wanted to spend the rest of my money on other more important stuff but I ordered the single at CDJapan directly and I don't regret it. It's a great single and even all the other singles after that are really good. They now how to make good music and their voices are very nice. Absolutly recommended.
Call My Name -> So far they didn't release anything but they are often at live events. Their songs are pretty good even though they still have to work on their skills they aren't bad. Because of their name it's kinde hard to find videos of them online but you can find lives of them on this channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3edWp4HovKW50SDcq-0taA
10JinActor -> As the name suggests these guys are also actor, means they act a lot in musicals but also some selfproduced movies. They have been formed through an audition held in 2014 and one member joined them later2015. I wrote about their "Phak Chi Heaven" music video on this blog and as soon as they will release something new I am sure I will write about it too. I like their music my favorites of them are "Frontier" and Phak Chi Heaven". They didn't release that much so for or at least it's hard to find their stuff online, despite the stuff they upload on the official youtube chanel. Besides they have a sub-unit of only two members, called "SakatKento", that I like a lot.
Musumen. -> These guys released their first cd in mid 2013 and so far only sell their cds on their official website which sucks if you are a fan outside of Japan. However I never was a die-hard fan of them so it's fine with me. I am fine with just watchng their music videos on the youtube chanel from time to time. Their music is typical idol music, it's fun listening to but you don't need it 24/7. However I recommend listening to them if you like cute japanese idol groups. Of course they arenot only releasing cute songs, especially lately they started to release more cool songs.
Traffic Light. -> These boys are actuelly a sub-unit of Musumen but since they have their own website and their music is pretty different to the Musumen one I decided to give them their own spot. To be honest I like Traffic Light better then Musumen. I enjoy their music way more. Especially their song Traffic Jam sounds awesome to me. However they just started off. Their debut single will be released on the 16th november. I hope they will do well because I would really like to see what the second single would be like.
AMAZ -> They released their debut single in August 2016 but they have been formed way earlier. I like their first song but that's it actuelly. I mean they are kinde cute but they don't get me excited, maybe one day but for now I just like their 1st single.
D☆DATE -> Wo doesn't know Seto Koji?!! If you like japanese movies and dramas you might have watched him at least ones. The other members are also quite active when it comes to acting. They not only play in movies and dramas but also in musicals and since they all belong to D-Boys they are often seen in all those amazing D-Boys stages. However their acting is also the reason that this group is so unactive. Their last cd has been released in mid 2013, which is way too long ago in my opinion. As far as I know they never officially disbanded so I have high hopes that they will come back one day. I really love the music they released. They don't have super special voices but their songs sound amazing. My favorite of them will always be "Day by Day". I love the feeling of this song. So good. I hope they will have a comeback soon.
EverZOne -> Is active since around 2014. The started of with 6 members but as you can see they are only 4 members left. But thinks like these happen and they still continued. So far they released a few cds, the latest in I think July 2016. Their music is nice and I like to watch their live performances on youtube. Oh and I like the solo song of member Sasuke a lot. Besides at the moment their official website doesn't seem to work but I hope it will work again soon so I will link it anyway.
ZERO -> ZERO is the group formed with ex-Hay!Say!JUMP member Morimoto Ryutaro. That's why I came accros them. They got their fans to donate money so they can release their first single. I am honestly not too much of a fan of the songs they released so far. You can check them out on their youtube chanel. But I am looking forward to the single, I hope it will have a better quality.
So that's it for now. I know I still miss out on some bands but this already got so long so I will skip the rest. Maybe I will do a second part someday. >-<
Which bands did you know? Which did you got interessted in?
EXILE -> First known as J Soul Brothers they later changed their name to EXILE which by now is extremly well known in Japan and even outside of Japan they have fanbase. However I personally I am ot too much of a fan of them. There is some awesome songs of them I really love e.g. Dance Into Fantasy but there is also a lot of songs by them that I easily get tired of. BUT what I really like them for is their mainly image. This way they show that japanese boys groups don't always need to be cute to be popular. Also they are super amazing when it comes to dancing and again, it's different to what usually jpop boy groups dance like, it's way more powerful and feels more professional, thought there already has been a change with that in the last few years. There is a lot of new groups that started to do more professional choreographies like that.
Sandaime J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE -> Sandaime means third generation because after exile changed their name there has been another J Soul Brothers (Nidaime) formed and not long after their debut this J Soul Brothers group debuted and they are pretty popular. I like a lot of their songs and their dancing is enjoyable to watch as well.
GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE -> Oh yes I love these boys. I got know about them shortly before their debut and since then I am a huge fan. They are a younger generation of EXILE TRIBE so a little different to EXILE but you can totaly see they belong to them. I love their music, it's really good and I like with all EXILE TRIBE groups their dancing is also superb.
EXILE THE SECOND -> And another group of EXILE TRIBE and to be honest the one I like the least, well at least I like their songs the least. I am a fan of Shokichi and Keiji and Akira (who just recently joined) but sadly there is only one song of them I really like. The song is called "Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!!" and it's damn good but all their other releases doesn't do it for me. However I actuelly know that a lot of people like their music so the chance is good that you might like it too.
BACS is an entertainment company that owns B-Box. B-Box is an ikemen cafe, more or less you could say it's like a host club, you pay money to go inside and there are lot's of cute japanese guys but instead of giving you drinks they actuelly perform songs on a small stage in the cafe. I saw you can also talk to them, take photos and so on but I don't know how exactly it works since I have never been there. However some of these bands are quite popular and two already released cds. You can take a look at more of the bands if you go here http://bacs-bbox.com/.
B2takes! -> I really like this group, they are extremly cute together and their music is a lot of fun to listen to. For their vocal skills they still have to improve but I already have the feeling that from their first release to the latest one they already improved. I also like their performances, but well they have a lot of training for that, right! Besides they just recently got their own webiste, take a look if you are interessted. http://b2takes.com/
RUSHx300 -> They are the only other BACS group that released a cd so far. They are by far not as popular as B2takes but if they would be a little more active and maybe release another cd I guess they could be. I like their 1st single. The song sounds really good. You can watch the MV here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_HWPFgf0O4
So let's come to all the other bands. This list will be REALLY long but I just don't know under which catagories to put all these bands, since they don't really belong to any special group or project or similar. If these bands have a website I know, I will always link it so you can get more information about them if you are interessted and if you want me to write about a certain group, write it in the comment, I will definitly do it. Oh and this list is in no order!
FlowBack -> One of my favorite new bands. They released their first cd in january of this year and had their major debut this year as well. Their music is very nice to the ears and tends to stay in my head, I love it. So far I can honestly say I love all their released songs! Their dancing is really good too.
UNIONE-> I got to know them before their debut. They started with singing cover songs. Sometimes they even put videos of ther covers on their youtube chanel. Most of the songs are really nice and their voices are very beautiful. The debut single is awesome too. So addicting. It stuck in my head for weeks after I first listend to it.
Break Through -> If you are a Johnny's fan for some years already you might recognize one of the members, Yuto (the blond one in the middle). He has been a part of the Johnnys Jr. group "7WEST" but decided to leave Johnnys Assiosation in 2012. Some years later he is back with a new group and that is called "Break Through". I really love theses guys. I watched all their videos they did in their beginning time. I like to watch how groups train, have to take missions and with that grow. They are absolutly not perfect when it comes to their music and some of their songs are only good when being played live, because they need the audience to join in but there are also some really beautiful and good songs e.g. "Sayonara".
Da-iCE -> Since they have a quite big fanbase outside of Japan, I am sure most of you already know them. I personally had the luck to get to know them before they actuelly debuted. I watched their Splash video when it came out and directly fell in love with this group. I was extremly excited when they announced their 1st release, a mini album called Da-iCE and had to buy it. Since then I buy every cd of them and I never got dissapointed in them. Their music is always really good and I LOVE their dancing. Normaly I am not much of a fan of dance practice videos but Da-iCE was the first group I enjoyed watching those videos. If you don't know them I absolutly recommend checking them out.
Lead -> Releasing music since 2002 makes Lead one of the few non-johnnys japanese boy groups that are existing for a long time already. They can be extremly proud of themself for making music for such a long time already. I started listening to them around 2008, when one of my favorite blogger wrote about their single "Sunnyday". I knew them before but only started to really get interessted in them around this time. Back then they still have been 4 members but in 2013 Hiroki left the group and they went on releasing as a three member group and you know what as much as I loved their music before I like their three member music even more.
w-inds. -> W-inds. started to release cds in 2001 so they are active since more then 15 years now. That's really impressiv for a non-johnnys boy band. I love this group a lot too. They changed so much within the years, tried new music styles from time to time, did their own projects and even though they changed so much and tried so much, they never dissapointed me and their thousends of fans. Give them a try if you never listend to them. You can find all their music videos on their youtube chanel.
Boys and Men -> Also called Boymen they are a group of 10 men that do not only sing but also act a lot. They stare in a bunch of self-produced movies, some of them play in musicals, they often appear on tv and even have their own tv shows and they release a lot of typical idol related goods like e.g. photobooks and pictures. They are definitly a band you can spend all your money on but their music is also pretty good. I for myself do enjoy some of their songs a lot e.g. "Dontokoiya!". Also I really like their tv shows, they are fun to watch and pretty much all of the members are really likeable. Besides they already exist since 2010 and just recently joined Universal Music Japan.
WAVE -> WAVE has been formed in 2014. They are one of the few that I started to love because of their regular TwitCasts. Yasu and Masa are often on TwitCas. I personally like the ones of Yasu the most because he sings a lot and is cute with the people who watch him, thought Masa is that too but I like Yasu's voice a little more. Last year they released a 1st mini album sadly it wasn't very popular that's why so far they didn't release anything new. I hope they will get another chance of releasing something new.
5ignal -> I directly bought their 1st album after I listened to their extremyl beautiful "Be With You" and I absolutly didn't regret buying it because it is such a good album. At first I was a bit skeptical because I saw that pretty much all songs are in english but you know what their pronunciation is actuelly really good and the songs are really good. They sang lots of up beat songs which make me want to dance. I think they get not enough attention and if they would they could be much bigger.
I don't like Mondays -> This is one awesome group because they really wrote, produced and arranged all their songs on their own. That's something really rare these days so it's even more outstanding. Also they have a very artistic feel to them, may it be the music videos or the covers, they also decided together with others of course how they want to have it. Especially vocalist Yu has a creativ side to him that influences all they do and I am glad he has because that makes them more unique. Despite that the voice of Yu is one you might remember. I like listening to them a lot and I am very much looking forward to what their future will bring.
Code-V -> Since I write about them quite often on this blog I guess most of you will know that I really love this group. Their vocal skills are amazing, their dancing is good and their music catchy and beautiful. As I wrote in a post on this blog already I consider them to be Jpop and not Kpop if you want to know why look up the post I wrote.
The Beat Garden -> This is a group I just recently got to know and I started to like them directly because their music is so damn good. They do a mix of, rock-pop-EDM and the outcome sounds really amazing. I absolutly recommend listening to them if you like up-beat music.
Beat Buddy Boi -> Beat Buddy Boi is actually just a dance crew but the rapper Shun joined them and since then they are doing music, thought Shun is the only one singing/rapping. I always liked Shun's music a lot so I definitly had to check them out and I like some of their songs a lot, well Shun is the singer/rapper so it's not much of a supprise. As for the dancers their live performances are nice to watch and you can watch their incredible dancing skills in the music videos. I like them.
MAG!C PRINCE -> These boys already had me with their first song. I love this song so much and love to listen to it but I also love their other songs, they are fun listening to and are kind of addicting. Besides that these guys are just too cute. I LOVE watching their making of's because they are so damn cute and they released a self-produced movie that I NEED to get. But like I said I also love their music!!
ADDICTION -> They released their first cd at the end of 2015 and soon are going to release their first album. However they actually started of with doing kpop dance covers and now they are working on their own singing carreer. I like their music and I am SO excited for their new music video which will be released at the end of november. Despite that I have to say I like the members a lot. They are really loveable and they seem to have a great bond, you can see they are real life friends. They seem very natural and I hope it will stay like this even if they become more popular.
IVVY -> This group is active since mid 2015 and so far they released 4 songs you can download on itunes or recochoku. Also just recently they had a member change, Mizki left the group and Kento.i joined them. I liked Mizki so I am sad he left the group but I still wish them all the best. I like the other members too, they are all really dorky and cute and their songs are nice too.
X4 -> Who ever liked Yuya Matsushita when he was still a solo singer knows this group. After Yuya decided to stop his solo activities he formed this group which is supposed to be a compilation of korean and japanese music. Therefor when they started two members were korean while the other two japanese. However korean member SJ left and two new member joined the group. I love Yuyas solo music but to be honest I don't like the music X4 does. Despite one song that they produced after being just three members. The song is called Obsession and I LOVE it lot. It's even on my list of my all time favorite songs. Sadly so far I didn't like anyother of their songs this much.
WEBER -> I got to know these guys shortly after their first release which was in may 2015. I like their debut song, thought back then I liked their "Beat The Black" better. From the on I deciede to follow then and I like their second single even more, thought again I preferd not the main track but "Shushoku no Kaze". Such a pretty song. Their 3rd single and album were great too and even thought I am not a huge fan of them, I do follow them and enjoy their music. You get a good overview of their music if you watch their album teaser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJymfNOeY18
NEVA GIVE UP -> They have been formed on 2012 and since January 2016 they are an indipended group. They already released a few cds which are all on my must-buy-list. Their music is really good and entertaining. Also they do a lot of lives. They set a goal of 180 lives in 2016 and in the first half of the year they already did 110 lives. That's quite impressive!! I really badly want to see them live and I hope I will get the chance when I am in Japan this december. However I like their music and do recommend it.
AMAZO KNIGHT -> I honestly hope these guys will get a cd release in the near future because they deserv it. I got to know them while looking trough twitter and I directly had an intersst in them. Back then Takuya was still a part of them. They totaly got me when I watched a live of them on youtube. Their performance was really good, their voices and Fuyas rap so good. Also from time to time I watch their twitcasts and I always enjoy those. They always respond to the comments of their fans which is great.
SELLOUT -> I know that these guys will have debut in the near future because they told me in one TwitCast but I can't tell you when exactly. All I know is that I am excited for this debut and I hope they will do well with it. In 2015 they started with 5 members but Tetsuya left the group and to be honest they are doing find with just 4 member. However it's really hard to find live videos of them online, if you want to watch some you have to go to their twitter account, sometimes they upload short clips there.
Sonar Pocket -> These are some damn talented guys. Ko-dai and Eyeron started of as an duo in 2005. Around a year later Matty joined them and in 2008 they had their major debut. From then on their popularity grew constantly. I have never been a hard core fan of them but I appreciate their music and I am glad they do such awesome music. Sadly Ko-dai has been hospitalized in october 2016 because of an illness but as long as he gets treatment eyeron and matty will keep on being active. I wish him to get well soon because Sonar Pocket is not the same without him.
XOX (pronounced: kiss hug kiss) -> All of the members of XOX are japanese models. To be honest when I first got to know them I didn't expect to like them because I thought they are just about looks. However I was wrong I really like their music, it's catchy and fun listening too and even live they are not as bad as I thought they would be. Actuelly they sound quite good live. I am very much looking forward to see them grow and get better and maybe one day being really popular in Japan.
Brand New Vibe -> They are pop-rock band that is releasing cds since 2008, thought sadly not very regular. Just releasing one single both last and this year is way too less in my opinion but at least I know they are active when it comes to live performances. I wish they would get a little more attention because their music is good. Superstar will always be one of my favorite songs.
GrandStand -> Another pop-rock group that I discoverd at the beginning of this year. I like their music but they are not releasing a lot which is sad. Their music however is nothing outstanding, nothing special just normal good pop-rock. I personally like their "Forever Summer" the most but if you are interessted you can find some of their music videos on youtube.
CLOWN'S CROWN -> They are active for some years already but released their first cd just this year. They are often doing street performances to fight for their dream becoming a popular group one day. I always enjoy watching their performances. Keigo has a really nice voice but the others are not bad too thought they all still have to improv their skills. However I am already looking forward to a second release of them. Besides I will link their website here but they are not really using it if you want to know more about them or what they are up to at the moment I recommend going on their twitter site.
LIFriends -> Another group I think gets way to less attention. They meet in High School and since then are doing music together and I think you can really feel this when listening to their music. They are really good there is no song of them I know that I dislike. Most of their songs are very good. My favorite song of them is "Nakama" thought I would also recommend listening to "Age Age Eejanaika", such a fun song. Check their music video out, they are all on youtube.
Ryoga -> I had so much hope in them and was extremly excited for their debut because there are two members in this group that have been in two of my favorite groups which already disbanded. Reo was a member of Vimclip and Takuya a member of Cocoa Otoko. However I was badly disappointed because I don't like their debut single at all. They used way to much auto-tune in my point of view and I don't know something is missing with it. I do follow them but just for the sake of Takuya and Reo, thought I have to admit that they got better already. "Rock This World" and "Forever" are quite good and I quite like the new song "Burning like a flame" so maybe I will start to really like these guys.
ZEN THE HOLLYWOOD -> Another group I started to love as soon as I got to know them. This group is excisting for a while now and they started doing music because of an anime called shonen hollywood. I don't know much about it just that in the anime they are singing and ZenHari was formed to sing the songs. I am not sure if they also did the speaking or just the singing but to be honest I don't care. I love their music and that's all that matters too me. Sometimes I watch off shot video of them I find online and I like the member too but I am really more into the music the into the members when it comes to them.
Tensaibonjin -> What I like about them is that you can see they have a lot of fun performing on stage and the audience always seem to go along. It must be super fun to go to one of their lives. As for their songs I would say there is a good varity. I personaly don't like all their songs but there are some really good ones. In generell I seem to prefer there ballads more.
Junon Superboy Anothers (JB Anothers) -> Ok so these guys not a group but they will be one or at least some of them. This is a project started by Junon a very popular japanese idol magazine. The group of boys has been split into two teams, team youth which are all the under 18 y.o. guys and team seniority which are all the members above 18 y.o.! In the end one team is supposed to win and this team will release a cd. However originally this project should have been ended in spring of this year but it seems like they decided to do it a little longer. I can't wait for the results thought I will for sure be sad no matter which team will win cause I like members of each team and to be honest I wish they would just do a mix with team that wins, like taking all the popular ones in one group. I guess that would be a much better idear. Now you might think why they are on the list when they aren't a group but even though they are no official group they do perform on stage and they they have a few original songs. I like all of their song and they perform them very well. Here is an example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C9iRut4xJw
G=AGE -> I read somewhere that one of the members was a Johnnys Jr. before but I don't know who and that's also not the reason I got to know them. I actuelly got to know them while switching through some videos on youtube and there it has been their music video "Age of Future". At first I thought how low quality this video was but the song was really addicting, so I felt like repeating it a few times and after I stopped I couldn't get the song out of my head. I randomly started to sing the song and everytime I listen to it again it will stuck in my head for at least a few hours. I know they will release a second single but so far it hasn't been announced when the release date is. However I just hope it will be as good as their first one.
FREAK -> Their music style is quite unique I would say. The are said to sing Rn'B like he was in the '90s. Their voices are super beautifull and I personally enjoy their songs a lot. Besides they also started of with street performances before they got a contract with Avex. I absolutly recommend listening to some of their songs if you haven't before. Oh and what also makes this group kinde special is the twins. Yeah two of them are twinns and I know thats a stupid reason for them being special but all the time I think about them and that I should listen to them again I also think about the two pretty brothers. And yeah I know I can be very superficial.
MELOFLOAT -> These guys released their 1st single while I was in Japan 2015 and while standing in a Tower Records Store I decided to give them a try and listen to the single and bam I loved it. I directly decided to buy it, thought not directly in Japan because I wanted to spend the rest of my money on other more important stuff but I ordered the single at CDJapan directly and I don't regret it. It's a great single and even all the other singles after that are really good. They now how to make good music and their voices are very nice. Absolutly recommended.
Call My Name -> So far they didn't release anything but they are often at live events. Their songs are pretty good even though they still have to work on their skills they aren't bad. Because of their name it's kinde hard to find videos of them online but you can find lives of them on this channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3edWp4HovKW50SDcq-0taA
10JinActor -> As the name suggests these guys are also actor, means they act a lot in musicals but also some selfproduced movies. They have been formed through an audition held in 2014 and one member joined them later2015. I wrote about their "Phak Chi Heaven" music video on this blog and as soon as they will release something new I am sure I will write about it too. I like their music my favorites of them are "Frontier" and Phak Chi Heaven". They didn't release that much so for or at least it's hard to find their stuff online, despite the stuff they upload on the official youtube chanel. Besides they have a sub-unit of only two members, called "SakatKento", that I like a lot.
Musumen. -> These guys released their first cd in mid 2013 and so far only sell their cds on their official website which sucks if you are a fan outside of Japan. However I never was a die-hard fan of them so it's fine with me. I am fine with just watchng their music videos on the youtube chanel from time to time. Their music is typical idol music, it's fun listening to but you don't need it 24/7. However I recommend listening to them if you like cute japanese idol groups. Of course they arenot only releasing cute songs, especially lately they started to release more cool songs.
Traffic Light. -> These boys are actuelly a sub-unit of Musumen but since they have their own website and their music is pretty different to the Musumen one I decided to give them their own spot. To be honest I like Traffic Light better then Musumen. I enjoy their music way more. Especially their song Traffic Jam sounds awesome to me. However they just started off. Their debut single will be released on the 16th november. I hope they will do well because I would really like to see what the second single would be like.
AMAZ -> They released their debut single in August 2016 but they have been formed way earlier. I like their first song but that's it actuelly. I mean they are kinde cute but they don't get me excited, maybe one day but for now I just like their 1st single.
D☆DATE -> Wo doesn't know Seto Koji?!! If you like japanese movies and dramas you might have watched him at least ones. The other members are also quite active when it comes to acting. They not only play in movies and dramas but also in musicals and since they all belong to D-Boys they are often seen in all those amazing D-Boys stages. However their acting is also the reason that this group is so unactive. Their last cd has been released in mid 2013, which is way too long ago in my opinion. As far as I know they never officially disbanded so I have high hopes that they will come back one day. I really love the music they released. They don't have super special voices but their songs sound amazing. My favorite of them will always be "Day by Day". I love the feeling of this song. So good. I hope they will have a comeback soon.
EverZOne -> Is active since around 2014. The started of with 6 members but as you can see they are only 4 members left. But thinks like these happen and they still continued. So far they released a few cds, the latest in I think July 2016. Their music is nice and I like to watch their live performances on youtube. Oh and I like the solo song of member Sasuke a lot. Besides at the moment their official website doesn't seem to work but I hope it will work again soon so I will link it anyway.
ZERO -> ZERO is the group formed with ex-Hay!Say!JUMP member Morimoto Ryutaro. That's why I came accros them. They got their fans to donate money so they can release their first single. I am honestly not too much of a fan of the songs they released so far. You can check them out on their youtube chanel. But I am looking forward to the single, I hope it will have a better quality.
So that's it for now. I know I still miss out on some bands but this already got so long so I will skip the rest. Maybe I will do a second part someday. >-<
Which bands did you know? Which did you got interessted in?
Awesome list! There a few groups I didn't know so I'll have to check them out
ReplyDeleteBy the way, all of the members of G=AGE were former Johnny's Jrs apart from Kazama Roi, the youngest member ^^
Thanks and thank you for the information. I didn't know the others were members of johnnys jr too.