Sunday, January 24, 2016

{AAA PV #1} Blood on Fire

To get to know AAA a littel better I decided to watch all of their music videos starting with their very first up to their most recent one. I will start in order so I won't miss one. So I will start of with Blood on Fire.

The PV starts of in this dark small room with lights on the side. I would say this is a typical background for PV's that focus on the dancing. And that's what the video does. Their outfits and styling looks terrible but we shoudn't forget that this is back from 2005 and many artist back than had this kind of style and to be honest it could have been worse.

Nissy being in the front showin' them all how to do it right.

Solo shots! Chiaki looks kinde dull here... not very outstanding! Glad that changed. Also Hidaka doesn't suit the beard and I absolutely don't like Shinjiros hat.

Nice super high jump of Shuta...

ended up looking weird. XD

More dancing! Yay!

Oh and there are a few scenes in kind of a mirror room. Hidaka got most of these scenes.

I was able to make a super cute screenshot of Shuta! He is so cute!! *0*

Stupid hat is covering his beautiful face.

Misako being in the front but I think Goto (the one i the red outfit) absolutly owned this scene!

I hate the light effects in this PV, not only do they look super cheap but they are also totaly random.

Hated these scenes. My eyes started to hurting because of them spining and the terrible light in the background.

Freestly dancing... ehm yes...

My poor eyes...

Misako looks hot in this pic and Chiaki is so absolutly out of sync.

Actuelly like these scenes, also Hidaka is rapping here and I like his rap a lot.

Another super cheap effect. That's actuelly supposed to be fire. >-<

The end was the worst, not only the spinning and bad light but also lot's of sparks.

Love that pose. It's like we are the winner. 

Funny dancing pose of Shinjiro.

And damn Goto knows how to shake dat ass.

Again, love this kinde of pose. *o*

And finished!
So what to say. This music video was pretty bad but it was there first one and it's more then 10 years old so guess it's ok. I don't feel the need to watch it again but I like the song a lot, way more then I did when I first listend to this song some years ago. Also I am very much looking forward to watch the following videos and see how they changed.

Thanks for reading.

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